Publisher Integration
1. Apply
Apply for integration
Apply here for integration. Based on your application one of our integration specialists will contact you to explore your needs and requirements.
2. Share
Share location information
Data readiness is key in programmatic. The data availability and accuracy has a direct effect on your CPM pricing.
3. Activate
Start earning with programmatic
MyAdbooker web container is easily scheduled in your existing loop. With our creative approval software you remain in control of who can advertise on your network.
Partners & Users

Manage inventory, availability, pricing & data
Using the MyAdbooker SSP dashboard helps you manage your inventory and easily handle location pricing and data. Within the SSP you can create and manage direct deals with advertisers.
High speed integration with industry solutions
MyAdbooker runs as a hybrid system within your

Unlocked a new way to generate revenue
Activating programmatic advertising unlocks a new way to generate revenue on your digital inventory. Connecting to online buyers and advertisers making your screens available to new budgets and new brands.
Average CPM (euro)